Online Training for Notetakers

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The format is excellent, especially the use of videos and student/note takers perspective. Activity 3 along with the example note taking & observations were outstanding. The tips at the end were great.

Disability Liaison Officer
Notetaking on laptop

Our popular Notetaker training modules are available from the VET Development Centre through their Professional Learning on-Demand pages. This is a free resource.

The two modules were developed for anyone interested in or already working as a notetaker, with a particular focus on notetaking for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Both modules provide valuable information, practice activities and resources.

All participants receive a Certificate on completion of the modules.

I completed the Notetaking course and found it very informative, well-structured and full bodied indeed. It is quite overwhelming as I have not actually worked as a Notetaker at all, but the tips and realistic pointers from those who have in the videos were very helpful.


If you would like to access our free Online Notetaker Training, follow this link to the course page at VDC Learn.

FREE deafConnectEd eLearn: Notetaking for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

The two modules cover the following topics:

Module 1 – Notetaking for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students:

  • Study notes – who uses them and for what purpose
  • The ‘how’ of good quality notes
  • Understanding hearing loss
  • Notetaker role and responsibilities

Module 2 – The Practice of Notetaking:

  • Electronic notetaking
  • Ethical boundaries
  • Establishing a good working relationship
  • OH&S and tips for self care

Both modules include:

  • video interviews with students and experienced notetakers sharing their perspectives and tips for newer notetakers
  • quizzes to test your learning
  • structured activities that look at the many skills involved in good notetaking, including listening, memory and writing skills
  • links to key organisations
  • suggested further reading