Hello to Deaf and Hard of Hearing community! We, deafConnectEd and Vicdeaf, are excited to announce that we are hosting a mentor workshop over two Fridays – 12th and 19th August! Time and where: at Vicdeaf from 6pm to 9pm. The workshop will be in Auslan. The workshop is FREE as well! The workshop will … Read more
The Victorian Auslan Training Consortium (VATC) recently released a report on the work and achievements of the Auslan Program from 2013-2015. The aim of the Auslan Program is to increase Auslan fluency in Victoria, and support the educational, social and economic inclusion of Victorians who use Auslan as their primary language. A copy of the … Read more
Updated: 12 May 2016 Melbourne Polytechnic in partnership with Vicdeaf is offering the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in 2016 via a blended delivery model for deaf learners. This qualification is designed to provide workplace facilitators and personnel within the vocational education and training sector with a range of training skills including: developing … Read more
When: Saturday 17 September – Friday 23 September 2016 Where: Melbourne Polytechnic, Prahran campus The process of transitioning from secondary education into further education and employment is a hugely challenging time for any student and as well as their family, and for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, there are additional hurdles but … Read more
Are you a Deaf or Hard of Hearing? A company called Deloitte Access Economics is looking for students or past students of TAFE (or any other registered training organisation such as an institute or academy) to fill in a survey about the support they are receiving (or would have liked to receive) while studying. They … Read more
Interpreters often face the challenge of interpreting complex English terminology that is new to them and their students. Auslan offers an incredible tool box in the form of depicting signs (or classifiers, as they used to be known). The big challenge with depicting signs for those of us who are still learning the language, is … Read more
Auslan interpreters! As you will be aware, the Central Auslan Booking Service (CABS) provides a free booking service for TAFEs and other registered training organisations (RTOs) in Victoria. As CABS does not directly employ interpreters, interpreters are required to complete an induction and any employment-related paperwork with the relevant RTO directly. To assist this process … Read more
Melbourne Polytechnic and Vicdeaf were the proud industry partners for an Australian Research Council Research Grant application by Dr Adam Schembri (La Trobe University) and Dr Louisa Willoughby (Monash University). The research project aims to improve our understanding of how to teach signed languages to adults as second and additional languages. Although there is significant … Read more
deafConnectEd is working with the Victorian Deaf Education Institute to deliver a five day Auslan intensive program to two groups of Teachers of the Deaf. The program builds on the success of a similar program which was piloted in 2014 and received extremely positive feedback. The 2015 program is also off to a good start … Read more
Deaf Victoria (with the support of deafConnectEd) has produced a short video explaining individual and systemic advocacy: The video is also captioned. We plan to add further information in Auslan about advocacy and your rights and responsibilities as a student soon.