deafConnectEd is working with the Victorian Deaf Education Institute to deliver a five day Auslan intensive program to two groups of Teachers of the Deaf. The program builds on the success of a similar program which was piloted in 2014 and received extremely positive feedback. The 2015 program is also off to a good start … Read more
Deaf Victoria (with the support of deafConnectEd) has produced a short video explaining individual and systemic advocacy: The video is also captioned. We plan to add further information in Auslan about advocacy and your rights and responsibilities as a student soon.
deafConnectEd is really excited about the upcoming series of workshops for deaf and hard of hearing school leavers being co-ordinated by Vicdeaf. The first workshop on Self Advocacy and the Deaf Community will feature Melissa Lowrie of Deaf Victoria. She will train Year 10-12 students on Thursday 7 May on Self Advocacy & the Deaf community, … Read more
The Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) and the National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO) recently released a resource: Building Confidence in Enrolling Learners with Disability for Providers of Education and Training. This publication outlines relevant legislation, training provider obligations, case studies and practical hints. The publication is available from: Building Confidence in … Read more
Although our budget is modest, deafConnectEd is keen to support interpreters, Auslan teachers and students by developing language resources and offering innovative learning opportunities. deafConnectEd was therefore very proud to sponsor the first in a new series of presentations by the iAuslan team called: iAuslan+ Luke King was the first presenter in the iAuslan+ series, … Read more
The Institute of Training and Further Educations’ (iTFE) Hospitality Training Australia facility (HTA) recently received an enquiry from two deaf people interested in attending a short barista course. This would be a unique enquiry for any training provider, given that Auslan interpreters were requested to be present during the training program and so it raised questions such as: … Read more
Around 60 Auslan students graduated from NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE) on 29 July at a ceremony attended by the Honourable Nick Wakeling, Minister for Higher Education and Skills. Minister Wakeling addressed the audience and assisted in the presentation of certificates to graduates. As part of his address, the Minister delivered a short message … Read more
Are you deaf or hard of hearing? Are you over 20 years old? Have you started TAFE or private training college recently? Are you finding it difficult sometimes? Do you want to talk to a deaf person who has studied before? If you answer yes to the above questions, then we want YOU! We are … Read more
deafConnectEd is partnering with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne to deliver the Auslan breadth subject Auslan and Visual Communication to their undergraduate students. This partnership is from 2014 – 2016 inclusive. Under the Melbourne model offered at the university, all undergraduates are required to take a number of elective subjects. … Read more
As part of deafConnectEd’s commitment to developing and supporting the Auslan teacher workforce, we are pleased to provide teachers with a workshops series in Auslan Linguistics delivered by Associate Professor Adam Schembri of La Trobe University. The workshops are focussed on Auslan and sign language linguistics. They are aimed at both developing Auslan teachers’ linguistic … Read more