Do you want to see improved Auslan translations online?
Do you have experience creating Auslan translations for online?
We are calling for participants in a research project which aims to create national standards for English to Auslan translations that are made available online, as well as guidelines for translation production.
The project has received funding from ACCAN and Deaf organisations. The research is being managed by Cathy Clark (NMIT) with Della Goswell (MQ University) and Dr Jemina Napier (Heriot-Watt University), with research assistance from Gabrielle Hodge, Lori Whynot and Stephanie Linder. We also have an advisory group which includes representatives from Deaf Societies (VicDeaf, DSNSW, DSQ, WADS) and Deaf & Interpreter organisations (Deaf Australia, ASLIA and ACE).
We will be visiting five states (VIC, NSW, QLD, SA and WA) to collect the views and experience from two different groups: Deaf consumers and (Deaf and hearing) translation practitioners who create Auslan translations for websites. We need five representatives from each group to be involved in focus group discussions in each city. These focus groups will be facilitated by Stephanie Linder and Gabrielle Hodge.
Each focus group session will be for two hours and all participants will receive a $40 gift voucher for their time. Your ideas will help us design the new standards and create translation production guidelines that will assist organisations in making future online/ website material. Participants in the focus groups will be filmed so that we can record your ideas, but the information will be kept confidential. No individual will be identified in our reports.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED please contact Gabrielle Hodge at who can provide you with more information about dates and times for each location, etc.
We look forward to hearing from you!