Two deaf students have enrolled in one of our short courses and have asked for an interpreter.
Where do we start?
That’s the scenario deafConnectEd was able to address with one small registered training provider recently. They wanted to make their course accessible to the students but didn’t have the necessary networks or experience. We were able to talk through their requirements and provide them with a list of interpreter booking agencies, and explain the Victorian Government subsidy that is available. The students loved the course and the trainers were relieved that they could do what they do best and leave the interpreting to an expert.
Our services include:
Telephone advice
You or your staff can call us if you have any questions. We have a wealth of experience on issues relating to deafness and hearing loss. We can therefore offer practical suggestions for reasonable adjustment in the training room and information about support services such as Auslan interpreters and notetakers.
Workforce capability program for teachers and student support staff
Teachers and trainers who have not had a student who is deaf or hard of hearing in the classroom may feel unprepared. Our professional development sessions provide your staff with the opportunity to ask questions, clarify expectations and develop practical skills for an inclusive learning environment. Training sessions are offered at no cost and are tailored to your needs and delivered on site to minimise unnecessary time away from the workplace
Following are some resources of particular relevance to registered training providers:
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Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)
ADCET supports the work of disability practitioners and teachers by providing post-secondary education, training and employment information and resources for people with disability or ongoing medical conditions. You can also subscribe to their newsletter.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS is expected to provide additional opportunities for supporting students with a disability. Although full details are yet to be announced, a fact sheet provides a general overview of the support the NDIS will provide in relation to higher education and vocational training.
Disability Standards for Education (the Education Standards)
Formulated by the Attorney-General under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA), The Education Standards provide a framework to ensure that students with disability are able to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. The Education Standards do this by providing clarity and specificity for education and training providers and for students with disability.
Additional resources that may be useful for Registered Training Organisations in considering their obligations can be found at the following sites:
- Disability Discrimination Act – Education Standards Website
This site was designed to help users understand important parts of the DDA Education Standards. Whether a person with a disability, an associate of a person with a disability, or a person involved in the delivery of education, this website is aimed at improving understanding of important parts of the DDA Education Standards. It does not cover the full detail of the DDA Education Standards but it does highlight the more important issues relating to the Standards.
- The Department of Education
The Department of Education provides some additional information about the Disability Standards for Education and recent reviews.