Transition workshops for deaf and hard of hearing school leavers

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deafConnectEd is really excited about the upcoming series of workshops for deaf and hard of hearing school leavers being co-ordinated by Vicdeaf.Transition Flyer

The first workshop on Self Advocacy and the Deaf Community will feature Melissa Lowrie of Deaf Victoria. She will train Year 10-12 students on Thursday 7 May on Self Advocacy & the Deaf community, including:

  • How to advocate for your rights (work, study & other settings)
  • How to make complaints about access provisions and support
  • How to be confident and assertive
  • Support services & networking in the Deaf community (ie, Deaf Victoria, Deaf Youth Victoria & sport clubs)

Future workshops will include information about booking and working with an interpreter, working, further education, independent living and exploring opportunities in a gap year.

For further information, visit: